
Qué pasó o Qué pasa?

Photo of a light bulb
Photo of a light bulb

In Spanish, asking someone “Qué Pasa?” means “What’s up” or “What’s happening” and “Qué Pasó?” means “What happened“? I would like to be able to answer both questions with regards to what is happening to me in pursuit of my inventions, and share what has happened in the past couple of years.  I would like to be able to update readers and inventors alike so that perhaps I can shed some light in the process of inventing – at least what I know of it.

The process of inventing comes with mixed emotions that all inventors go through whether they like it or not. First you are excited, then you are excited some more, then you get paranoid because you think someone will steal your idea. Let me assure you that it’s okay to feel that way but it is not rational, because most people will not invest the time, money, or energy to steal your idea. That is why you must exercise due diligence in obtaining a a provisional patent to secure your idea with the USPTO.  So, by all means talk about your invention to as many people that will listen to your spiel.  Here is one definition of spiel I found: “a usually high-flown talk or speech, especially for the purpose of luring people to a sale, etc. A fast speech that is usually intended to persuade people to buy something or agree to something“. Now that I got that out of the way, admit it – you are trying to persuade people to buy into your concept, your new idea, your invention so share your idea/concept/product.

Sharing your new idea/concept or product is the cheapest way to figure out if people are interested.  Have a small notebook handy or use your phone to take note of what people are saying. If you can’t afford to pay for a focus group, talking to strangers is free and what’s great is that they will give you suggestions!  When I invented the AutoTray, I made the mistake of putting the cart before the horse.  In hindsight, “if I only knew then what I know now“.  Do not lose the opportunity to talk to strangers while you are sitting in any waiting room, at the doctors office, getting your oil changed, at the DMV, waiting in line at the grocery store is the perfect place to practice your elevator speech.  Want to practice and perfect your elevator speech?  Join Toastmasters.  There are many opportunities that you will find as precious moments to gather free market research. Many of the strangers that you meet are potential buyers so take seriously your pursuit of creating a buzz.

One last thing or I would be remiss if I did not mention this – in this entire process of creating, you will come across haters, there will always be haters and they want to see you fail. Haters will tell you there’s something out there like it already but, it’s only because they do not understand the concept of competition – that is why there are multiple products in the marketplace that look like duplicates and serve the same purpose but clearly they are not so, do not let haters discourage you.  Don’t let anyone steal your peace.

My point is……

Don’t Be a Hater, instead Be a Celebrator.

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